12 Week Happiness Program: Pimp Your Happiness With Powerful Techniques Backed By Science (Science of Happiness, Well-Being, Happiness Tips, Happy Living)

12 Week Happiness Program: Pimp Your Happiness With Powerful Techniques Backed By Science (Science of Happiness, Well-Being, Happiness Tips, Happy Living) - Stuart Ash This book is the worst self help book I have ever read. It is all over the place, addressing all kind of topics you find in success oriented books and gives destructive advice in week 2.
If I buy a book about baking bread, I don't want to read about the best way to grill ribs, make salad or bake a cake. I know that I cannot live only on bread but I expect my book solely address backing bred.
The same way when I get a book on happiness I expect it to be about happiness and not 12 different topics which with a few exceptions fall under other categories, which I have already read decent books about. I don't feel the need of having the headings of a single chapter of those book repeated!
It seems to me that the author, if you can call him that, has opened some random self help books and copied random stuff from here and there and compiled it as a book to make quick money!