Everything book related

Ranting about books, authors and related subjects

Receiving Prosperity: How to Attract Wealth, Success, and Love into Your Life

Receiving Prosperity: How to Attract Wealth, Success, and Love into Your Life - Louise L. Hay Well this isn't really an audio book, but a recorded live seminar. At the beginning some widely known facts about money and peoples attitude towards it is mentioned but the rest is simply the audience asking questions, sometimes silly ones because they already know the answer, or sharing their experience.


VisualFestation - Peter D. Adams A practical book, offers a selection of techniques for aching goals and manifesting desires in a simple and easy to understand language, clarified through examples, although sometimes there is an overload of unnecessary information. The author seems to be on the religious side but the religious stuff can easily be ignored without having an effect on the reading experience.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas! - Dr. Seuss A fun read, with a fun and likable character. My only complain is the use of " Mouses". Once kids pick up this word it is hard to teach them the right form.

Living a Life of Inner Peace

Living a Life of Inner Peace - Eckhart Tolle My biggest problem with this audio book is a matter of taste and personal preferences. I really hate Toll's voice and find his slow narration style boring and distracting. He repeated the same thing over and over , then paraphrased it and repeated it again. The real content of this book can be covered in a single paragraph and narrated in less than two minutes.
It seems like quick money for Tolle and as he himself mentioned, nothing for the audience.


Haunted - Casey Ashwood 1.5 stars
The plot might have potential but the plot execution leaves a lot to be desired. The dialogues are unnatural and awkward, the author repates the same thing over and over again as if the readers are too dumb to get those things after the first, second or third repeatition. And even worse the author describe her charters in one way and then portrays them through their actions and interaction with each other as the exact opposit.

A Bolt of Blue

A Bolt of Blue - Nicky Spencer it starts quite interesting but goes downhill about halfway through the story. There is too much emphasis on sidestories which are presented in a rather boring way and there is an entire chapter that reads like a lenghty report about a baseball game in the sports colum, which doesn't really contibute anything to the story, and is the worst of this book's many fillers.
There are some typos and editing problems, but not too many to be fair.


It - Stephen King Well written and entertaining. With a solid plot and believable characters. The writing style switches back and forth between late 50's and mid 80's. Despite all the killings, it isn't really gory and violent compared to contemporary horror stories, or even some of King's other books.
I am sure that I'll read it again at some point.

The Girls in Their Summer Dresses

The Girls in Their Summer Dresses - Irwin Shaw Well written and interesting, though somewhat on the boring side. I enjoyed the unexpected ending.

The Law of Attraction & Other Universal Laws Explained: A Practical Guide to Utilizing These Natural Laws (Law of Attraction Discovery)

The Law of Attraction & Other Universal Laws Explained: A Practical Guide to Utilizing These Natural Laws (Law of Attraction Discovery) - Christine Sherborne So far one of the best law of attraction book I have come by. It tells much more than the usual like attracts like and you attract what you think and feel. In this book many universal laws are discussed. I guess it could be life changing for people who actually implement them on daily basis in their lives.

Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power: Everything You Need to Know about the Law of Attraction

Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power: Everything You Need to Know about the Law of Attraction - Bob Doyle This book offers basic explanations about the law of attraction and introduces a variety of method and techniques to release resistance and visualize. Not everybody will agree with everything in this book and not all the techniques might prove useful or work for every single individual but most reader might find find something useful to implement or contemplate.
At the end under the coning label of resource Bob Doyle try his marketing strategies on his readers. and of course he doesn't forget to imply that the reader should be tithing their income to him, possibly in hopes that some practicing Jews or Christians fall for it!

12 Week Happiness Program: Pimp Your Happiness With Powerful Techniques Backed By Science (Science of Happiness, Well-Being, Happiness Tips, Happy Living)

12 Week Happiness Program: Pimp Your Happiness With Powerful Techniques Backed By Science (Science of Happiness, Well-Being, Happiness Tips, Happy Living) - Stuart Ash This book is the worst self help book I have ever read. It is all over the place, addressing all kind of topics you find in success oriented books and gives destructive advice in week 2.
If I buy a book about baking bread, I don't want to read about the best way to grill ribs, make salad or bake a cake. I know that I cannot live only on bread but I expect my book solely address backing bred.
The same way when I get a book on happiness I expect it to be about happiness and not 12 different topics which with a few exceptions fall under other categories, which I have already read decent books about. I don't feel the need of having the headings of a single chapter of those book repeated!
It seems to me that the author, if you can call him that, has opened some random self help books and copied random stuff from here and there and compiled it as a book to make quick money!

The Way to his Heart

The Way to His Heart (Together #2) - Felice Stevens This easily predictable text is not a story!
There is no real conflict. I found it rather boring.

Glücklicher als Gott

Glücklicher als Gott - Neale Donald Walsch Up lifting and motivating.
In this book Neale Donald Walsch offers a great selection of uplifting tools and techniques. Not all of them will work for everybody but everybody can find at least a few which do work for them.

The Wrong Alpha

The Wrong Alpha - Victoria Sue The first half of it was interesting, the next quarter OK but when it comes to the ending either my copy was missing pages, if such a thing is possible with E-books, or so many things were edited out that the ending didn't make quite sense, I even read the last couple of pages 3 times to make sure I haven't accidentally spiked anything.

The Crowdsourced Guide to Learning

The Crowdsourced Guide to Learning - FutureLearn This book might be useful for older pre teens or young teens. There are many colorful pictures and the texts are short and simple. Most of the offered content has been already been offered and repeated so many times that possibly only some pre teens haven't been exposed to it yet.

Speed Dating

Speed Dating - J.J. Collins 3.5 stars.
An short and fun snifter mystery/romance. Unfortunately this book has some editing problems, and a couple of them are really irritating. That said, you can find MM books with worse editing problems out there. At least this one has an engaging story and no ultra stupid dialogues! :)

Currently reading

101 Ways to Meet Your Angels: Affirmations and Exercises to Connect with and Learn from Your Angelic Guardians
Karen Paolino Correia, Karen Paolino Correia
The Consumption of Magic
T.J. Klune
The Secret Guide to Getting What You Want in Life
Maggie Lawrie
All Good Things: The Omega Auction Chronicles: Book 13
Kian Rhodes
The Ugly Post - A love story
Sailor Penniman
Married. Wait! What?
Lia Davis, Virginia Nelson, Melissa Shirley, T.A. Moorman, Rebecca Royce, Ripley Proserpina, Amy Sumida, Cara Carnes, Carmen Falcone, Mae Hanley, Kim Carmichael, K. Williams
The Norton Anthology of Poetry
Mary Jo Salter, Margaret Ferguson, Jon Stallworthy
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol 1: The Middle Ages through the Restoration & the Eighteenth Century
Stephen Greenblatt, M.H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt, M.H. Abrams
An Outline of English Literature (Lernmaterialien)
Gwyneth Roberts, G.C. Thornley
Dirty Mind
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